Sunday, January 30, 2011

My weekend....

Weekend is almost over.. :( it is now 11.10 pm...huk huk..tomorow is a working day...MALAS GILA...tapi takpe la..this week Monday je berkhidmat..the rest of the days  CUTI..yeah!.aku akan balik ke kampung halaman terchenta.maybe on Tuesday akan berangkat pulang ke Pekan, Pahang dan spend my holiday at my hometown for about 3 days..cant wait to meet my mother and sister (jangan la tertanya2 apsal x mention father..sbb aku kan duk dgn father kat gombak nih)..

As for my weekend..nothing much happened...not so much interesting activities I had with my frens..what a weird weekend for all of us because no karaoke, no movie..usually we will do these 2 activities on weekend.tapi weekend kali ni sbb masing2 ade hal. On Saturday, sorg tu keje ..sorg lagi ade hal dgn atuk dan binatang peliharaan, aku pun terpaksa la belaja duk uma..gila bosan!.tapi, nasib baik 'ramai kawan', ade la kawan satu opis (yg menggelarkan dirinya sbg Mangkok)  ajak mamam di TGIF W Walk..aku ape lagi.Yippie!!..we were so full..and i'm not spending any cents pon..sbb guna credit card company! wahahaa cayalah Mangkok !.

orange margarita

our desserts

So..mmg kenyang sgt..sampai ke malam kenyang..tapi tu la..after had our lunch kat TGIF tu, terus balik uma i'm back at home..and kembali bosan..nak wat ape wei malam? bebudak ni sume, kene la lepak kat uma je...ape la sgt aktiviti yg leh wat kalo kat uma ni kan?memanjakan anak2 aku yg 4 ekor tu especially my bobo.., mengemas umah (sama je kemas dgn x kemas sbb mmg already tidy.heh), did my laundry, watched Australian Open 2011 (nasib baik ade mende nk tgk) ..tapi frust la because Li Na lost the match..hukhuk...come back next year Li Na!..

Si Manja Bobo

Kim Clijsters and Li Na..Watched them played ..tough fight

My Saturday was a bored one this time.after tennis match da abes, da tak de rancangan best kat, on my la ape2 yg berfaedah..tapi normally bukak fesbuk, oh bulan dan beberapa rangkaian blog rakan-rakan seperjuangan..sbb tu knowledge tak seberapa..hehe..i spent almost 2 hours kot surfing the net, pastu bosan balik..g wat hot chocs, turn on tv3..and guess what fortunately ade drama that made me laugh like crazy! Menantu Tip Top..kelaka sgt! Amyza Aznan and Ebby Yus..pasangan ideal..ade yg tak kenal ke?
Ok la ni ha ...
jangan kompius..dua2 tu ebby yus ye.hensem dan jelita!

Amyza Aznan..
Phew..lega sgt dapat gelak bila tgk drama tu..seriously kelaka gak..terhibur gak la duk uma sorg2 selain dihiburkan oleh anak2 aku tu..abes je drama tu, I've ben thinking to sleep, api tak ngantuk..ala..ape lagi nak wat ni..hurm..on laptop, tgk dvd..cite baru beli tajuk Game of Death..tajuk mmg brutal..dengan barisan pelakon yg mmg aku tak kenal..banyak negro..that's fine.layan je le..

But tak smpai half of the story.i felt sleepy decided to stop watching..esok nye plan nak ke The Curve beli hadiah my nephew , so kene bgn awal la nnti...And to conclude, my Saturday was more on individual activity ..huhu..

Saturday was over..Sunday appears..

Sunday ..early morning hujan....syok je tto..konon plan nak bgn awal nak beli baby gift kat the curve..mmg jangan harap la kan..dgn hujan dan mata yg tak mau tergendala...until i woke up at 11 am if i'm not mistaken..bangun2 terus sms Lish ..ajak grab a bite at Jusco AU2..but it's still raining..nvm, lapar punye psal hujan pun redah je .lgipon bukan naik moto kan..

So we met up at 1230 camtu la ..lunch at Black Canyon...Kami pun order la menu masing2..Lish order chicken chop, and me ordered mee ape tah..lupe..but it was awesome..and not forgetting my Mocha yg cute.take a look at the pic below!

cute kan set Mocha ni,ade biscuit and tea
Then after tank da  full, I made my mind to buy the baby gift at Jusco je..alang2 I chose bag for the mother to keep all baby stuffs inside as a present..the price is reasonable and practical la kan utk my sis..instead of bagi baju for the common kan?..Other than shopping for the baby stuff, Lish pun shopping gak..she bought a new occupy juga la masa tu..ade le mende nak dibeli ..Next we had our drink at Ali Bistro Setiawangsa...had a chit chat..ujan tak reda2 ..satu ari kot ujan kat KL ni....kami lepak sampai kol 4 lebih...pastu aku teringat ade Men Tennis final Australian Open 2011 at 4pm ..
so bergegas balik.nak watch Novak and Murray.

Tapi..sesampainye di rumah..apekah aku dah lupa Astro takkan nye function kalau watched tennis dlm siaran yg tersekat2..huhuhuhu..frust..sempat la tau result Novak lead first set...pastu lama2 Astro terus tak de siaran..hampeh..aku pun malas nak layan, g mandi sbb malam nak lepak dinner dgn Lish and Farah at Chan Abdullah..selesai mandi manda, Astro mcm tu gak..blank je..aku pon bersiap2...then around 725 pm cmtu dah ok balik siaran..yeaay!..Rupenya match almost comes to an end..Djokovic dah lead 2 set..haha..mmg curse la utk Murray, xleh menang Australian Open..and the resut was Novak won straight set.well done.and good speech too..:)

Around 8.15 gerak ke Chan Abdullah W Maju..had my dinner with both of my best buddies..played poker cards then went back, ini lah cerita weekend aku yang agak weekend will be entertaining for me because going to watch Fransesca Peter at IB !!!!! yeah cant wait..

Ta Ta..Nighty Night....ZZZzzzZZZz

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dont Worry Rafa....

You guys dont know how upset I am over Nadal's lost in QF Australian Open 2011...I was at the office when Rafa played against the compatriot David Ferrer..which i think it might be an easy win for Rafa...but unfortunately it wasnt!...

4-6, 2-6, 3-6..that's the result..huhu..straight set..mcm kacang je Ferrer tapau ...huk huk..Aku just tgk live result through internet..masa first set, dah terperanjat Ferrer break awal servis Nadal.shiott je...I have a bad feelingg that this is not a good start..and yes, it was...Aku membebel sorg2 when knowing the colleague mmg tak paham la kan apsal aku bising2..adoi bosan tul.xde geng nak sembang pasal tenis...

Then, bila time second set, tak dapat nak catch up the result, because my lady boss nak jumpe!..damn it..nasib baik ade kawan yg sggup update for me the score..:) thanks anyway..Bila second set pun kalah, lagi la ada bad feeling.aku da rasa Rafa main not his mesti ade injury problem or health problem...and yes it was..pity my Rafa...

Tapi..aku actually still mengharap yg Rafa can fight back in the 3rd set.tapi ...unlucky him..not his day..but anyway, Rafa bagus la dia xnak jadikan injury tu as an excuse dia lost...Below is statement from Rafa :

The tennis career, you have higher moments and lower moments. I had almost all the time very, very happy moments and very nice moments in my career. That's part of the sport. Last year I was very lucky. I was healthy most of the year. I was playing unbelievable during all the year. This year I did I think all the right things to start the season playing really well. And, seriously, I was playing like this in the first exhibition in Abu Dhabi. After that starts the problem. Was a difficult month for me, no? That's part of the sport. Accept; keep working; try my best in the next tournament. That's what I can do."

Good statement I think..and he is always praising lawan juga pada Ferrer.maybe dia main bagus today...(ye la kan, aku kan xdapat tgk tv sbb kat opish).but I feel ok jugak kot tak tgk Rafa main..because I hate to watch Rafa lost any matches...seriously...

But mo matter what Rafa, u are still my hero..
He is a great champion on and off the court - what a role model for young tennis players ... Rafa lost the match but he is always a winner.
So now, Federer will meet Djokovic....and Murray vs Ferrer in the Semis..My prediction will be Federer and Murray at the Final..
Dont worry Rafa, hope you will recover soon..tapi tak dinafikan, cara Rafa main mmg risky..risky utk get injured...this is what happened before...but I am proud of Rafa.sbb tak nak retire from the what he said :
"I hate the retirements, so this wasn't the day. I did last year. I hate that moment. I didn't want to repeat that." (masa dia tarik diri lawan Murray last year)

Whatever it is, I am proud of you Rafa..!..Way to go...

You are still the champion

Sometimes we have to lose........Vamos Rafa!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Tuesday (Auntie Sarah yg excited)


Well today i got a gud sister gave birth to a baby boy at 2.30 am!..i am so overjoyed...:)..Tak sabar nak balik kampung this coming Chinese New Year to see the baby!...Bestnya dapat nephew..seriously, I just cant wait..Aku mmg mengharap baby boy this time and my prayer has been answered! Happynya Auntie.eheeehehe..I called my sister at 5.00pm but no answer then I try to reach my mom..she answered the phone and told me that my sister was sleeping..Yeah, she's tired..I understand..(takutnya nak give birth..huhu)

Dalam kesibukan keje kat opis tadi, asik terpikir2 what present nak beli utk my sister and the baby..I really wanna try to give present for both baby and the mother..Ye la, xkan la baby je dapat kan.mak dia pon nak gak..So dalam kotak pikiran aku skang ni asik kuar idea nak beli baju baby, xkan la xde mende lain kan? typical sgt kot...Hurm ok la.hamper barangan baby? lagi la typical ..tapi, kalao pk balik, hadiah hamper tu ok ape..sebab items dalam hamper tu baby ngn mak dia leh guna..kan? baby bath, cotton bud, shampoo bla bla..kira mcm aku consider kegunaan kedua belah pihak .ehehe..

So, at this moment mmg rasa nak beli hamper..malas nak ubah pikiran ni..sbb aku ni jenis kalau dah decide, then that is it .malas nak pk banyak..thats y senang if shopping with me, no need to survey2 sgt..if i wanna buy, then just buy..(ade kena mengena ke nih)...Tapi kan, ada masalah sikit about buying the hamper ni..sebab mostly aku tgk kat pasaraya berdekatan atau yg berjauhan seni membungkus hamper tu ala-ala kadar or ala ala la long..contohnye seperti di bwh ni ha :

mcm tak de seni kan?

Aku tak nak la bagi hamper yg macam gamba di atas tu kan..not nice .look cheap anyway..(berlagak kan)..Tapi kalau aku sendiri yg bungkus mesti la nampak lagi murah better la beli but I need the nice one..maybe ,mcm gamba kat bwh ni:

love the basket and tak nampak packed sgt

ni namanye budget hamper.
i am loving the basket and the arrangement (nampak mahal)

arrangement agak unik

OK now, confirm mmg beli hamper but kene tau kat mane tempat jual baby stuff with a high quality of gift presentation..or atau susah2 sgt, aku hadiahkan je la diri aku ni untuk my nephew and my sis..lagi senang kan? maybe I am the present that they really want! hahahaha..the biggest present ever!..

SO if you guys ada any idea kat mane nak dptkan very good hamper design for newborn baby, let me know yeah!.

More thing, aku tak sabar nak dress up kan my nephew bila dia da besar!..kompem hensem, stylo dan macho (padahal lambat lagi tu nak  mencecah 1 tahun) tak pe la, aku mmg very eager..dun care.I am the happiest auntie in the world now!!!!!!!!!!!

Dah start menguap..Alrite it's time to sleep lor.ala, tapi belum iron baju lagi (mende paling malas skali nak wat)..esok nak kije..keje keje keje keje..


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Stop this cruelty!!!!

Tolong lah hentikan kekejaman ni...huhu.until when baru 'dia' rasa puas hati menindas kami...we are not your slave laa..mood agak tercalar sikit (bukan sikit la tapi banyak kot) on Saturday which is suppose to be a holiday..but we have been instructed to come to the office to have a meeting (kononnya).!To make it clear'dia' yg dimaksudkan tu adalah DYMM kami..which is our Lady Boss. Before this we are working every Saturday, half day (kononnye.tapi slalu drag je smpai mlm!).

Then one day, our Lady Boss announced a gud news to us which is, starting from January 2011, we are no longer working on Saturday.. gud start for 2011 i guess...but, unfortunately it doesnt last long..Lady Boss rasa dia sunyi pada hari Sabtu..dan untuk memeriah kan hari Sabtu dia, we all dipanggil ber'mesyuarat' pada Sabtu 15 January 2011 pukol 10 pagi..

Mcmni lebih kurang lagak Lady Boss kami

Ok..aku pun dengan mood malas bgn la pukul 9.40..then bergegas g opis..sebenarnye tak de la bergegas sgt pun, sebab malas drive slow mellow je. Arrived at 9.50, dgn harapan 'meeting' start la tepat kol 10...tapi, knowing Lady Boss selama 6 bulan kat company ni, ape2 meeting tak penahnye start on time.So,lagi menambahkan marah !Aku mmg dtg purposely untuk meeting as well as thr others...

Almost half an hour menunggu, tggu punya tggu meeting no yet started! Everybody was 'angin'...then suddenly Lady Gaga eh Lady Boss called upon our Heads of Deparment (jap.ade ke post ni sebenarnye dlm kompeni aku..aku rasa post tu rekaan je..nak buat kononnye ade hierarchy or ade distribution of work la dalam company.hek eleh)...After 45 minutes H.O.D pun selesai la bermesyuarat dgn Lady Boss.pastu, H.O.D diarahkan bermesyuarat lagi dgn anak2 buah msg2..yg menjadi masalah aku ni..aku tak de department!.so ..aku nak meeting ngn sape??dengan kerusi meja?aircond?

Aku dah rasa mcm nak chow sbb I come for nothing..dah la xde department.terbiar jek patut leh balik la kan..tapi jangan harapla..ade pulak H.O.D yg prasan aku neglected..pastu ditarik utk join meeting dept dia..ceh..ape2tah..da la xberkaitan..but, suddenly H.O.D ni agih2kan keje suruh wat file checking.Aku dah start wat muka..siap muncung lagi..hah..aku sound H.O.D tu..dialog adalah spt di bawah:

Aku yg Panic : excuse me,kita datang for meeting kan? apehal nak kene buat keje lak ni?
H.O.D rekaan : I dont know.u ask boss..
AKu yg Panic : WTH..
H.O.D rekaan : Boss suruh buat sekejap je ni.then boleh balik

I am angry!!!! bengang nih

HUh..panas je gua aritu.! mmg bullshit kan?..HOD pun macam bodoh sbb ikuttttt je ckp Lady Boss..supposedly diaorg yg kononnya HOD ni kene la berani bersuara untuk kebajikan staff kan??..pelik gila ..Ok berbalik pada keje yg kene buat tu..aku pun terpaksa buat keje check mengecheck ni.

Guess what, aku balik at 3pm!..I miss the opportunity to hang out with my best buddies..dieorg tgk muvi kat Cheras Leisure Mall..hukhuk..

Kesimpulannye,.Lady Boss ni nak suh kami semua dtg jugak hari Sabtu untuk keje!..Takyah la berselindung nak wat meeting la ape la..cakap je la suh keje.sakit ati le camni.abes tu every saturday la meeting camni..Lady Boss sebenarnye tak ikhlas bagi kami cuti hari Sabtu.dia rasa dia rugi kalau cuti on Saturday.come on la, mana ade company yg keje on Saturday lagi.zaman2 dolu boleh la nak enforce mcm tu..

Tapi Lady Boss ni pandai, dia amek ati staff dgn provide food setiap kali kene stay I care? I care la jugak sbb dapat makan, cumanye, harap Lady Boss kami faham yg kami juga ade life lain.bukan menghambakan diri utk kompeni je..

ni la makanan yg Lady Boss provide on that Saturday

 Memang la berterima kasih sebab makanan yg disediakan..tapi bukan itu yg kami kisahkan..Fahamilah kami Lady Boss..setiap hari kami extend waktu keje smpai, hadiahkan lah kami a meaningful Saturday..


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Time Blogging!

I just started blogging for the first time just to challenge myself how far my cability in blogging .in fact sebenarnye tak perlu ade capability pun !..LOL.

I give myself a trial on ths thing..just to have fun.Amateur blogger I am..Yes. Truly is..

So, as for now (today) got no interesting issue to share with..
I'm about to sleep..Oh pillow stay there...put my head and dream...ZZZzzZZZZZz