Holla everybody..
I am confuse...do I look fat now?..huk huk..da ramai juga yg ckp aku dah berisi..mungkin juga la kan.if not, xde la sampai 3-4 org dah tego camtu..latest yg cakap aku dah berisi are Amid and Ikhwan..uwaaaaaaa...takut la when they said that...Now, dah 6 org la yg ckp cmtu...Maybe I shud start on diet kot...:(
Berat badan naik mmg satu perkara yang menggerunkan pada aku..I used to be fat before..when I was in a primary school..seriously, but I dont have time to scan the pic yet..but at that time mmg tak peduli pon aku gemuk ke ape ke..sbb sekolah rendah kan...kisah ape..bebudak agi..
Tapi skang aku tgh risau gilaaaaaa ni..ok la.kene accept la teguran mereka kan...so, my strategy is to eat less..(susah skit nak buat ni).bersenam lagi la jangan harap ..Aku include kan beberapa pic aku dari zaman study until Feb 2011 utk tatapan u guys..hhehe..benarkah aku dah gain weight ni? :
year 2004 |
year 2005 |
Year tak ingat |
Year 2008 |
Year 2009 |
nov 2010 |
Dec 2010 |
January 2011 |
january 2011 |
feb 2011 |
feb 2011 |
Hurm..bila aku tgk balik pic aku sendiri dari zaman belaja...ada la perubahan fizikal tu kan..tapi mungkin juga style rambut or dressing yg nampakkan aku macam gempal..my face mmg dari dulu tembam kot...
Anyway,i hope u guys can leave a comment la samaada benarkah aku sudah berisi seperti yang dikatakan..uhuhu..Nevermind, all I need to do is eat less and stay healthy,eheh....(semoga konsisten le ni)...
ok la.dah ngantuk..tomorrow is a working day .shit...tata..Nite~
ok la... 7 years of change... honestly... can see you have more weight back in 2004... or is it the sling bag pushing towards your body that makes you look "berisi"... and you do look skinniest in 2008... or is it ecause of your tight leggings that showed of your skinny legs?
ReplyDeletebut so what if you're fat or skinny? is it not more important that in every picture (except Jan 2011)... you're smile remains as sparklingly radiant as ever?
or that your hairstyle has improved alot over the years :p
ehh lupa jawab...
ReplyDeleteno... you dont look fat at all... honestly
im lovin it :) You look good like this for me
ReplyDeleteu really wanna know the truth?
ReplyDeleteok..not even the slightest hint of fat!u look fine and chinese..ahahaha
aku miss pic ko tahun 2007 lah... rasanya adalah gemuk sikit tang perut