Tuesday, February 22, 2011

the suffering game....

Macam dah berdebu sikit blog aku ni (coughing)..ye la kan,lama tak update.!

Bukannya sengaja tinggalkan berdebu..huhu...Actually I have been through a lot of suffering and annoyance...sakit otak and sakit jiwa dibuatnya..I really want to get out from ths hell..cant wait to run away!..

Puzzled eh? hehe.it is about my work place and my terrible boss who cannot decide properly what she wants!To those who follow my blog from the beginning, u might remember my post on Lady Boss..remember she forced us come to office to have a meeting on Saturday?.She did that again for the third time!..and I have promised myself to tender my resignation if she try to make us work on Saturday again!And I am doing it..I cannot stand it anymore..

Last Saturday all staffs attended office to do a favor for A....Department..I wasnt attending because I have better things to do which is replacing my car windscreen.and I have told Boss on Friday, but dia nak jugak aku masuk opis when my car is ready..And funny things was..the working hour on Saturday has been fixed at 10 am - 1 pm...tak practical kan ?.but I know, they might end up going home at late evening..and it was true! Poor all my friends..some went home at 6, and some at 7...why la boss...this is too much...You are stealing our precious and quality time!

As for me, I am a rebellious type of person..there's no way I will come to the office when my car is ready.lagipon dah lewat sgt...and I have made several phone calls to my colleague at the office on that day, they said better jangan datang..I feel guilty juga to all of them sebab unfair kan..but I make a noble decision by calling my boss that I might not coming and she said it's ok..and I was assuming theres no need for me to be there as Lady Boss didnt scold whatsoever..

But what makes me feel uneasy is..people will talk about me and speculate things..anyways, who cares la kan..lantak korang la tak puas ati ke ape ke...dah rezeki aku dapat manfaatkan my Saturday with a useful activity..sorry guys..of course I feel guilty , but what to do............

I wanna stop this suffering game..too many ridicilous rules created in my company..staff lama2 semua dah jadi hamba.terlalu taaat dan setianya...come on,kenapa nak mengabdikan diri...please la...hari2 pun tak tenteram asyik kena maki..I dont mean to reveal the dark side, but ..I am sick of it..i cant bear to watch and experience this cruelty anymore...

My next step is to walk away.sorry boss...I need to go, I cant commit to work with this company anymore...If i continue to earn a living here, maybe aku tak kawin2 kot.my life lebih banyak di office..so I have decided..once I get my February salary, then I will give my boss a scented resignation letter..ahaks..and, surprisingly, I have followers..may be 3 of us will say goodbye to this company..

Semoga maju jaya untuk rakan2 yg decide utk berkhidmat dgn setianya di sana..

Last quote for tonight :

Some of us try,
And some of us fail
But i do both
And hope that I`ll prevail



  1. Dont despair, look for another and the current job yang membuahkan hasil dgn menjadikan u lebih tabah menghadapi kemudian hari..jadi ape yang berlaku tuh boleh dijadikan panduan untuk menghadapi kesulitan masa depan. Lagipun its not end of the world..kerja lain boleh di cari jadi jgn give up :)

  2. I trully believe that happiness comes first in all things... be it life. work. relationship. and everything else

    why should you keep on sufferring for something that is not worth your while? so people will talk... but true freinds will understand why you do the things you do... so dont bother about it...

    you will prevail :)


what say u!!!